2 de febrero de 2007

Agrandando la familia

Aren't they cute??

We found Lopi (the lop) and Pepo in a pet shop that sells iguanas and snake and other nasty exotic animals. They were together in a tiny filthy cage. The store employee didn't know how old they were or their gender, all she knew is that the bunnies have been in the small cage with no excersize time for over 3 weeks. We just couldn't leave them there.

The situation is far from perfect. We have one unaletered bunny just adjusting to our new home. I only have experience with one other bunny, i'm still new at this and have no experience with little bunnies, much less with two.

Step 1: Make a cage

As I said, improvised, which means it sometimes falls, which results in this situation:

Bunny on the run!

I think all that time in that cage affected the babies in different ways.

Lopi seems to be older. his bone structure and muscle seem more developed. He must have not get any exersice down while he was growing up though, he is pretty out of shape! It took him a while to start running, the first day he was very corageous and tried to get in every spot of the house, but the second day he got scared (prolly because of an encounter wth Tito). He seem to be picking up the litterbox habit better than Pepo, at least he pee and poo in or near it jeje

Pepo is the one I'm worried about. He seems so little and fragile.
He is so dirty, like he haven't learned how to clean himself. He tries to clean his ears like Lopi does, but he can't get them to stay low for too long jaja. Im afraid there could be somehitng wrong with his teeth, he makes a lot of noise with his mouse, like teeth grinding, and they front teeth looked extra long to me. I don't know if he is too little to be litter trained but he doesn't seem to care at all. Oh, and this bunny could win any race, open the door of the cage and he'll run so fast you won't know what happened.

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